We're a non-profit cooperative! That means that the thoughts and opinions of our member-consumers matter to us and can even guide decisions and actions of our democratically-elected Board of Directors. Come take part by meeting with your Board Representative and key SMPA staff. Let's talk about what matters to you.
The electric industry is in a time of transition and there are several topics worthy of discussion. Some of them are:
Wholesale power costs - rate increases
- Renewable energy and local energy storage
- Government grants and local microgrid projects
- Peak vs. off-peak costs & a possible time-of-use (TOU) rate
- New technologies like electric vehicles and heat pumps for beneficial electrification
- Local community support in economic development and workforce housing
Our Board meetings are open, but we understand that not everyone finds it convenient to attend. With Power Hours, we're coming to you! We'll hold five events at various locations within our service territory. One of them will be near you. They'll be in the evening, after work and we'll even provide food and drink. See locations and times below. We hope to see you there!