San Miguel Power Association Rate Tariffs

San Miguel Power Association's rates are designed to meet expected revenue requirements and to equitably distribute the cost of service to members while maintaining the financial stability of the cooperative.

Recently, our wholesale electricity provider, Tri-State Generation and Transmission, has announced a 6.2% rate increase, beginning in August of 2024. This, in combination with inflationary pressures on the prices of tools and materials, prompted the SMPA Board of Directors to consider a $3 increase to its monthly access charge in 2025.

Additionally, the Board is considering a time-based rate to take effect in May of 2025. 



Complete Current Rate Tariff Sheets

SMPA is seeking an increase to the amount of revenue needed from retail rates, starting January 1, 2025

There would be a $3/month increase to the Access Charge which would go into effect for all bills generated after January 1, 2025. This will help SMPA provide service to members in our geographically varied service territory with consideration to expenses related to fire mitigation, infrastructure reliability, and grid modernization.  The rate proposal, along with “Rate Stabilization” funds, which were deferred from revenue totals of previous years, will also help SMPA deal with a 6.2% wholesale power cost increase that went into effect August 1, 2024.

If you're currently on a Demand rate, the only change is a $3/mo. increase for single-phase accounts and a $15.75/mo. increase for 3-phase accounts. Traditional Demand accounts will not have the option to select a Time-of-Use Energy rate or Time-of-Day Demand.

The SMPA Board of Directors will consider the proposed access charge increase and time-based rates structure at their November Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 19th at 9 AM. The meeting will be held virtually and in the Board Room at 720 N. Railroad Street, Ridgway, Colorado. Members are invited to attend in-person or as a Zoom participant to provide comment at the beginning of the meeting before the Board considers the proposal. Members may also submit written comments to prior to the November meeting.

Access Charge Comparison

Time-based Rates Proposal

What is Time of Use? Time of Use puts the power in the members’ hands. For 5 hours a day (from 4 to 9 PM),
when demand is highest, an increased consumer rate would incentivize load shifting. When members use
electricity during the remaining 19 hours of the day, they have a more cost-effective, lower rate. All users can still
use on-peak power as needed, with a moderate cost increase, but the incentive to move load off-peak opens up
opportunities for behavioral and technological solutions that can benefit the individual as well as the entire

Rate Options:  The default time-based rate is Time-of-Use Energy.  There will be a Time-of-Day Demand rate option for those who find that option suits their energy needs better.

If you're currently on a Demand rate (2% of SMPA accounts are on this rate), the only change is a $3/mo. increase for single-phase accounts and a $15.75/mo. increase for 3-phase accounts. Traditional Demand accounts will not have the option to select a Time-of-Use Energy rate or Time-of-Day Demand.

Additional Questions?

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