About our Annual Meeting

San Miguel Power's Annual Meeting of Members has always been an opportunity for cooperative members to gather and review the association's activities over the previous year. Members can pose questions and learn about the co-op's goals for the future. 


The 2024 Annual Meeting

SMPA Energizing the Future logoThe 85th Annual Meeting of the Members of San Miguel Power Association, Inc. (SMPA) was held in person and online on Thursday, June 6th, 2024.  The meeting featured gifts, prizes, booths, a dinner for in-person attendees, and a $10 bill credit for all member attendees.

The overall meeting theme was “Energizing Our Future,” and topic reports included:

  • The focus topic was on the timing of energy use and the potential for a time-based rate to better align with…
  • Consumer demand and changes in the industry, including our power supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission
  • A member Question and Answer period.
  • The meeting concluded with the reading of results for the 2024 board director elections. In District #1 candidate, Tom Loczy won the directorship, and in District #4, incumbent, Toby Brown ran unopposed, and was deemed reelected.

Annual Meeting & Outreach Archive

The 2023 Hybrid Annual Meeting

The 2023 SMPA Annual Meeting was held on June 8th, 2023.  It was the first time the meeting was offered to both an in-person and online audience.  The meeting, themed "Time to Shine," featured SMPA's community involvement, fire mitigation, forward-looking technologies like microgrids, drones, AI-augmented firewatch cameras and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) information.

Thanks to all who attended and who assisted.


2023 Annual Meeting Recap

Time to Shine Recap Photo-collage


The 2022 Annual Meeting

The 2022 SMPA Annual Meeting was held on June 9th as an online virtual conference.  The meeting featured:

• Scholarship Announcements
• Board President’s Report
• CEO/General Manager’s Report
• Informative Custom videos 
• Board Secretary / Treasurer’s Report 
• Interactive Question and Answer Period

The meeting was attended by over 100 participants.  Thanks to the Board and Staff for helping to build this online experience.

View the Meeting Highlights


The 2021 Annual Outreach

An in-person Annual Meeting was not held in 2021.  Like the previous year, a special edition of the Annual Report was published along with video content to help ensure that members were given financial and operational updates.

See this video content on the 2021 Annual Outreach YouTube Playlist.



2021 Annual Outreach Graphic


The 2020 Annual Meeting was Cancelled Due to COVID-19

San Miguel Power's 2020 Annual Meeting was canceled for the health and safety of our members and employees during the local outbreak of COVID-19.  A special edition of the Annual Report was published to help ensure that members were given financial and operational updates.




The last pre-COVID, in-person Annual Meeting was held in Ridgway on June 6, 2019.  Read about it in the July 2019 Energywise newsletter.


Annual Report

Every year, SMPA develops an annual report. The report provides members with a summary of everything that we have accomplished during the year, and outlines our plans for the future. 

The 2023 Annual Report will be referenced in the 2024 meeting.  It is available below.

2023 Annual Report Thumbnail
Download the 2023 SMPA Annual Report


Annual Report Archive