Community Programs
Learn About our Community Programs.
In this section you can:
- Community Focus Donations
- Sharing Success Economic Development
- Scholarships and other Youth Opportunities
- Free Home Weatherization?
Not just keeping the electricity flowing, but seeing that the community thrives.
Here, you can see some of the amazing community initiatives that benefit from our Community Focus Donations and Sharing Success Economic Development Grants. Check them out here, then go check them out for real!
Cooperatives like SMPA, work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies supported by the membership. There are numerous examples of activities that have the "co-op touch:" sponsoring local fairs and events; working with members and community organizations to improve energy efficiency; funding higher education opportunities for local youth. The list goes on.
To us, service means reaching towards new horizons to make life better for everyone. That's what it's all about. That's the electric cooperative difference.
Community Support
Support for Community Initiatives

Service to our communities is an integral part of our mission. Through our Community Focus donations and Sharing Success Economic Development Grants, we demonstrate our commitment to the communities we serve and strengthen our organization’s connection to our membership.
Youth Programs
Scholarships and Youth Opportunities

As your local electrical cooperative, San Miguel Power Association understands the importance of helping our member/owners further the education of the youth in the communities that we serve.
Moreover, as the electric industry continuously changes, it's important that young adults keep in mind the variety of careers in the electric industry.
IQ Weatherization
Efficiency Upgrades for Income-Qualified Memebrs

Neighbors helping neighbors is one of the fundamental principles of a cooperative system. So it’s only natural that SMPA, your local electric cooperative, would offer programs providing home weatherization and solar power services to those in need.