CEEI Youth Leadership Camp and Electric Cooperative Youth Tour - Applications Due: January 9, 2025

High School Sophomores and Juniors,
It's your year to do cool stuff! These two summer activities have it all. Leadership opportunities, fun adventures, the chance to meet your peers from other states, and dance with them! Seriously. You'll discover the power of cooperation and see how it affects policy at the highest levels of government. Learn from history, experimentation, and each other. That's not to mention... these look great on a resume. Oh... and they're both free.
Check 'em out!
CREA/CEEI Youth Leadership Camp
The best way to learn about cooperatives is to form one.
That is what the participants do. They elect a board of directors and serve on camp activity committees. A number of special presentations are highlighted at the camp including electricity safety, leadership skills, avian protection, and a simulation to help students understand the legislative process.
Of course, there is plenty of time for recreation. Glen Eden Resort has a volleyball court, swimming pool, hot tubs and tennis courts. There is a dance, pizza parties, a banquet, a trip to the top of Mt. Warner, time to explore Steamboat Springs, and a raft trip on the Colorado River.
NRECA Electric Cooperative Youth Tour
You Could Spend a Week in Washington, D.C., All-Expenses-Paid.
You'll begin at our state Capitol, then fly to Washington, D.C. There, you'll tour our nation's monuments and memorials, participate in a congressional simulation, attend Youth Day with over 1,500 students from across the country, take in a play, and visit your choice of Smithsonian Museums.
You'll also attend dinners, a dance, and a career fair. You'll also meet U.S. Senators and/or Representatives in person.
Participating in the Youth Tour is a great way to learn about this great nation, develop leadership skills, gain a better understanding of electric cooperatives, and make friendships with people from across the state and country.
Cool. How do I apply?
Return the Student Information page of the Youth Tour / Youth Camp Application by email or in person by the close of business on the deadline. (Jan. 9, 2025)
(FYI: Winners will be required to fill out additional pages.) - Turn in your submission. SMPA pays for one student to attend each program, so the selection is competitive. Winners will be the applicants who can best answer this prompt:
Students must meet the following criteria to be considered:
Be a high school junior or senior during the next school year. (current sophomores & juniors)
Be between the ages of 16 - 18 as of January 1 of the next school year
Live in a household that receives electricity from SMPA. Your parents or guardians must be members.
Explain the role of the board of directors at a rural electric cooperative and why the board is important.
Here's the best part: There's no essay*. You do enough of those in school. This prompt is to be answered in a way that is to-the-point and visually appealing. You have two options:
1) an infographic or a 2) quick video. Here's what's involved:
*Accommodations will be made for students with special needs.
Infographic Submission

An infographic is an artistic representation of data and information using different elements such as:
Download this packet for help.
- See Bernard Marr's lesson for inspiration and instruction.
Hand-drawn infographics are acceptable.
Quick Video Submission

The widespread availability of mobile cameras, social media formats and free editing software has made quick video production easier than ever.
A typical workflow might include:
Download this packet for help.
- See Hootsuite's Best Free Video Editing Software list.