Account Services
Welcome to Account Services.
In this section:
Your account in SmartHub.
Bill and payment options
Energy assistance programs
Member dividends
Construction Handbook
It's a suite of options as wide and varied as our members.
Here’s everything you need to know for new builds, new services, or membership questions.
As a member of SMPA, you’ll have one account for every active meter serving you. Each account is billed separately each month. You can manage your accounts with our online and mobile app, SmartHub. If you have questions, please call Toll Free: 1-877-864-7311 or 1-800-864-7256.
SmartHub Access
Manage Your Account(s) with SmartHub

Use the free online and mobile app, SmartHub to access your SMPA account, pay your bill electronically, set up text notifications and use advanced energy usage analysis tools.
Mobile versions of SmartHub are available for free on GooglePlay and the iOS App Store.
Payment Options / Assistance
Learn about Payment & Assistance Options

San Miguel Power Association offers flexible billing and payment options to suit your home and business needs. We are also a place to start searching if you need assistance in covering the cost of electricity.
Start / Stop Service
Forms & Guidelines to Start or Stop Service

Here you can find all of the information you need to sign-up for new service, to disconnect existing service. If construction is involved, please also download and complete our Service Engineering Request Form and return this with the Electrical Service/Membership application. (If you have questions about our construction requirements, please review our Construction Handbook.)
Member Benefits
Co-op Membership has its privileges.

As a cooperative, San Miguel Power Association (SMPA) is owned by its member-consumers. If you buy power from SMPA, you can be allocated member dividends. You also have the right to vote for your representative on the Board of Directors, and you may even be eligible to run for a seat on the Board, yourself.
Understanding Your Bill
Even if you don't use our online tools to manage your account(s), you'll see a report of your account activity on your monthly bill.
Your monthly bill shows not only how much you owe for electric service, but also information on how that amount was calculated and how it compares with billing amounts from other time periods. This information can help you budget for your electricity needs. It is also valuable information for members making conservation efforts or efficiency upgrades or who are considering the use of renewable energy sources through net metering.
Bills for services on a demand rate and net-metered accounts differ slightly from the standard format depicted below. For an explanation of demand-rate line items, please call (970) 626-5549.
Learn more about how Timing Matters in your energy use and billing.
Total Amount Due: For quick and easy reference, this amount is displayed prominently. Past due amounts appear in red.
Invitation to Manage Your Account with SmartHub: For in-depth analysis of power usage history, click My Usage >> Usage Explorer
Services: Start and Finish date of the Billing Period
On-Peak / Off-Peak Energy Usage: For informational purposes only. You are currently charged the same energy rate at all times of the day.
Utility Rate Codes: These codes contain information about your service. The depicted code (R20TO) stands for "Residential, Single-phase, Time-of-Use, On-Peak," and (R20TF) stands for “Residential, Single-phase, Time-of-Use, Off-Peak.”
Detail of Charges: The "Energy Charges" include the kWh usage from the above section multiplied by the current energy rate. Also includes the current "Access Charge." This fixed monthly fee appears on all of our members’ bills. It is intended to help cover SMPA’s fixed costs of providing electrical service, such as the overall cost of owning, operating and maintaining the electric distribution system. Also includes taxes, fees, any special programs and any Green Cents Round-Up Contributions.
Usage Comparisons: Compares your total KWH used during the billing period to the previous period and to the same period last year.
Peak Period: This section displays your “Peak Power” measured in hourly average kilowatts for the On-Peak and Off-Peak windows. Knowing when your peak occurs can help you manage your energy use and avoid using as much during peak times.
Payment Stub: Send this along with your payment. Members using SmartHub Auto-Pay need not return this portion.
Director District: This is the current SMPA Board Member who represents your district.
Other Charges:
Some bills may also include surcharges for various localized purposes, including, but not limited to franchise fees, and settlement surcharges for long-term remuneration of construction projects. Please call (970) 626-5549, or (970) 864-7311 during regular business hours, if you have a specific question.