EVs: What Why and How?
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Integration could save energy and money while reducing carbon emissions.

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Integration

EV Expert: Diego Lopez, Executive Director of the Save Energy Coalition (SECo)
EV 101:  Electric Vehicle Workshop Presentation
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Video

EV 101 – SMPA’s Annual Meeting Keynote Address

At last month’s Annual Meeting, one topic that received special attention was something that may soon be saving significant amounts of energy, money and carbon emissions throughout the territory: Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Vehicle-to-Grid Integration (V2G).  The presentation was delivered by Diego Lopez, the Executive Director of the Save Energy Coalition, a non-profit organization focused on promoting energy and transportation solutions.

Lopez started by providing an introduction to EVs and their importance in addressing pollution and reducing emissions. He highlighted that transportation is one of the largest emitters of pollution, with 30% of emissions coming from vehicles. EVs produce fewer carbon and ozone emissions, even when charged from a grid that is partially powered by fossil fuels. Moreover, they offer economic benefits, as electricity is cheaper than gasoline, and EVs are more fuel-efficient.

The main barrier to EV adoption discussed in the presentation was the upfront costs of electric vehicles and charging stations. The Save Energy Coalition aims to alleviate these costs through grants and funding programs. Diego Lopez presented various grants available for businesses, schools, and workplaces to install charging stations, covering up to 80% of the costs. He also mentioned tax incentives for consumers purchasing EVs and for installing public charging stations.

Lopez touched on the topic of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, which enables electric vehicles to not only consume electricity from the grid, but also to return excess electricity to the grid during times of peak demand. He explained the necessary components for V2G to work, including smart grids and compatible vehicle plugs.

Overall, the presentation provided an overview of the importance of EV adoption, the benefits of charging infrastructure, available grants and incentives, and resources to support individuals and organizations in transitioning to clean energy and transportation solutions.