• Current Application for Service and Membership
  • Complete

New Construction / Upgrade Engineering Request

All Service Engineering Request Form(s) for New Construction will require a non-refundable Engineering Design Fee to be paid before an estimate can be generated. Engineering Design Fee(s) are $250 Residential and $500 Commercial. All large developments including Subdivisions, Large Commercial and Housing Projects, and long line extensions may be evaluated individually to determine additional Engineering Design Fees that may be required.

Contact Information
Engineering Design Fee

Section 1: Contact Information - Party Responsible for Estimate PAYMENT

Requestor is an:
Individual Name
Requestor Name
If requestor is an organization, please identify a contact person.
Mailing Address
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX
Send Estimate By:
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX
Site Information

Section 2: Site Information

Development Type
Has there ever been service to the property?
Project Information

Section 3: Project Information - Check Applicable

Service Requesting
Service Size
Service Type
Commercial and Irrigation services must include a Load Sheet filled out by a certified electrician.
Service Line
Load Information
Primary Heat Source
Load Sheet
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, png.
Additional Loads
Additional Loads
Additional Loads
(Include nearest cross roads.)
Meter Information

Section 4: Meter Information

Meter Type Needed
(Check if you are going to need power for construction.)
Authorization of Request

Section 5: Authorization of Request

This request is an official notice to SMPA, Inc. to begin all the needed steps to provide you with electrical service.  If any of the above information is changed, you may be responsible for additional charges related to engineering, construction, or other aspects of providing service.  Any costs associated with relocating facilities will be charged to the active account listed on this form.  If there is a lack of progress or inactivity on your project and this project is canceled by you or by SMPA, you may be responsible for paying SMPA actual costs incurred up to the time of cancellation.
Sign above

Application for Electric Service and Membership

Applicant Information

Section 1: Applicant Information


Type of Membership
Type of Account
Applicant's Name
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Representatives of Organization
more items
Authorized Representative's Name
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Joint Applicant 1
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX



Joint Applicant 2
For all, please use the format, XXX-XXX-XXXX

Contact Information

Section 2: Contact Information

Service Address (Location of Meter)
I would like my bills sent to:
Billing Address (Paper Bills)
I would like my board election ballot sent to:
Member Address (Ballots)

Section 3: Property Information

Property Information
Are you purchasing this property?


Section 4: Confirmation

The Applicant(s) agree to be responsible for the electric charges at the location designated below until such time that the Applicant(s) request in writing a discontinuance of service. It is agreed that all bills will be paid by the appropriate due date and failure to do so may result in discontinuance of service. This application for electrical service shall constitute a service contract between the Applicant(s) and the Association. The Applicant(s) agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the 
Association. In the event that this application is not signed, it is agreed  that the Applicant(s) use of electric service shall constitute a service contract just as though the application were signed. Applicant(s) agree to pay court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and all collection costs if in default of this agreement.  Applicant(s) agree that a facsimile of the original will be considered as valid as the original.  The Consumer assumes all responsibility on the Consumer's side of the point of delivery for service supplied or taken, as well as for the electrical installation and 
appliances used in connection with such service and will indemnify, save harmless and defend the Association against all claims, demands, cost or expense, for loss, damage to or injury to persons or property, in any manner directly or indirectly connected with, or growing out of, the transmission or use of electric service, by the Consumer, at or on the Consumer's side of the point of delivery. San Miguel Power Association 
is not liable for any damage to the Consumer's electronic equipment.  Point of Use surge protection should be installed to protect these.

NOTE:  A Member Service Representative will call the above phone numbers in order to discuss deposit options.

Sign above
Sign above
Sign above

"Green Cents Logo"All new accounts are automatically enrolled in SMPA's Green Cents Roundup Program.  For information on the Green Cents Roundup program and/or to opt-out of this program, please contact our office.