Silverton Awarded $200K for Grid Resiliency!
Silverton, Colorado

The town of Silverton was 1 of 33 communities awarded the $200,000 prize from the Department of Energy “Energizing Rural Communities” program to develop and implement an energy resiliency plan. The town of Silverton developed a regional partnership with San Miguel Power Association, San Juan County Office of Emergency Management and EcoAction partners to apply for and win the second phase of energizing rural prize.

Last August of 2023, The Town of Silverton was 1 of 233 communities awarded phase one prize monies out of over 1300 projects pitched to the Department of Energy’s “Energizing Rural Communities” program. Then on Wednesday September 18th, 2024, The Department of Energy announced the winners of phase two of the program and Silverton’s Team GOLD was 1 out of 33 communities to be awarded the $200,000 prize. Team GOLD comprises the Town of Silverton, San Juan County Office of Emergency Management, San Miguel Power Association and EcoAction Partners. Silverton’s Team GOLD (Goal of Less Dependence) has created a strong partnership with public, private and utility partnership to bring energy security, resilience and modernization to our small rural community through implementation of clean energy technologies.

On Wednesday September 18th, 2024, the Department of Energy's press release for the award announcement stated, ‘Energizing Rural Communities Prize Winners:33 Communities Awarded $200,000 for Second Phase of Energizing Rural Communities Prize; OCED announced 33 community winners for the second phase of the $15 million Energizing Rural Communities Prize. This prize challenges individuals and organizations in small, rural communities to develop partnership and financing strategies to improve energy systems and advance clean energy demonstration projects. Each winning team receives $200,000, in addition to the $100,000 and in-kind-mentorship services from the first phase of the prize. The Energizing Rural Communities Prize has two tracks: a partner track that is designed to create and strengthen partnerships for implementing energy projects; and a finance track to support new and innovative efforts to access capital or develop community ownership models for energy projects.” The Town of Silverton identified resilience, independence and clean energy as a community goal in the adoption of the Silverton Compass Master Plan over two years ago. This community driven master plan gave clear direction to the Board of Trustees to work forward towards a climate action plan as well as clean energy sources for Silverton’s future growth plan.

“The Board of Trustees gave me direction in April of 2023 to help address the electric grid resiliency in Silverton after a tough winter of power outages during subzero temperatures. Less than a month later, Team GOLD was formed. We are knocking projects off our list in preparation for a community microgrid. The first big planning document was the Climate Action Plan that was adopted in June. This prize is going to support the momentum and relationships that we have created and get us to the final plans for our microgrid as well as infuse some direct cash through incentives for our community.
The goal is less dependency and more resiliency.”

- Gloria Kaasch-Buerger Town of Silverton Administrator


“Team GOLD is building the resilience of our community to be disaster proof. We are building the capacity from individuals up to our institutions to adapt to disasters. The recognition from DOE shows how Silverton is a forward-looking community.”  

- Jim Donovan San Juan County Emergency Manager


“Our microgrid projects fulfill two critical roles. The first is backup power and resiliency during isolated outages when our remote communities are disconnected from the main power grid. The second is day-to-day support through the deployment of energy storage and renewable energy generation, bolstering the modernization of the electric grid that powers us and connects us.”

- Wiley Freeman Manager of Member and Energy Services for San Miguel Power Association


"EcoAction Partners was delighted to support Silverton and San Juan County in joining the eight other communities in the Sneffels Energy Board and adopting the Regional Climate Action Plan. The Climate Action Plan Appendix identifies dozens of actions across eight sectors to achieve emissions reduction goals, many of which are directly aligned with the Silverton Compass Master Plan. By integrating renewable and electrification projects, Silverton, San Juan County and the region can achieve significant emissions reductions in the next decade. EcoAction Partners is excited to continue connecting with the Silverton community and support implementation of the strategies outlined in the Climate Action Plan."

- Emma Gerona Executive Director of EcoAction Partners


“Faced with increasing awareness that vulnerabilities caused by climate change required greater community resilience for the remote mountain town of Silverton, Team GOLD evolved. Leaders from private companies, the local governments, regional non-profits, and the rural electric cooperative, came together in a cohesive union to collectively tackle their common challenges. As a consultant to SMPA it has been a motivating experience to see the Team working together to dramatically move the needle towards a more sustainable future.”

- Terry Schuyler of Soleil Services Consultant for SMPA


“Beneficial Electrification means lowering costs, supporting the stability of the electric grid, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancing quality of life for electric consumers. As Silverton’s distribution electric cooperative, we’re excited to partner with the town to support their resiliency goals–a definite improvement in the quality of life for these residents. But this award and the projects that will result will also bring about farther-reaching benefits, like expanded regional participation with Climate Action Planning partners and longer-term cost reduction of the greater electric infrastructure that serves us all.”

- Alex Shelley Communications Executive San Miguel Power


Team GOLD is managed under the direction of the Town of Silverton’s Administrator Gloria Kaasch-Buerger in partnership with San Juan County Colorado’s Office of Emergency Management team Jim Donovan SJC Emergency Manager, DeAnne Gallegos SJC OEM Public Information Officer, Wiley Freeman San Miguel Power Association’s Manager of Member and Energy Services, Terry Schuyler Consultant with Soleil Services, Emma Gerona Executive Director of EcoAction Partners, Kim Wheels Energy Specialist EcoAction Partners, Kendra Held Climate Action Coordinator for EcoAction Partners and supporting roles for Team GOLD are Sarah Moore Grant Coordinator for San Juan Development Association and Alex Shelley Communications Executive for San Miguel Power Association.


This is just one of several funding initiatives that the Town has received in 2024. The Rural Energy Prize Award is one of several projects that the Town of Silverton has received in the last three years. The Town of Silverton under the leadership of Silverton Town Administrator Gloria Kaasch Buerger has brought in over 5 million dollars in grant funding.